"Irudimena", a competition in favour of creation

Feb 14, 2011

The Basque Cultural Institute and the Azkue Foundation have come together to organise the online "Irudimena" creative competition from 15 February 2011 to 8 April 2011. The purpose of this competition is to promote the creativity of the young in the fields of literature and graphics.

"Irudimena", a competition in favour of creation

"Irudimena" is just one of the actions developed by the Basque Cultural Institute within the framework of its "Hogei'ta" programme which aims to arouse in young people, and with young people, innovative projects to develop Basque culture in all its diversity (Further details: www.hogeita.com).

A web page is entirely dedicated to the competition at www.irudimena.com. 12 photographs are available for visitors under the Creative Commons licence (Authorship-Identical initial conditions for sharing).

To take part visitors must select one of these photographs and are then given one of two choices: writing an article in Basque (whatever the genre, descriptive, narrative, poetic, etc.) or produce another image (by digitally modifying the image, creating a drawing or a painting, a 3D image, etc).

The idea is to encourage young audiences, whether Basque-speaking or not, to become interested in Basque cultural subjects and reinterpret them either through words or images

Participants must send their creation(s) using the contact form available on the www.irudimena.com website or by sending them directly to the following address: info@irudimena.com specifying for each the photo number used as a basis for their creation. Participants agree to act as the authors for these works.

The competition will be open from 15 February to 8 April 2011 inclusive.

In each category (literary creation and graphic creation) the participants will be classed into two age groups, distinguishing the under and over 25's. In each of these groups the first three winners will be awarded with prizes connected to multimedia and new technologies

Further details:

Photo: Xabi Berruet

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